
Dr. Arup Dasbiswas


Dr. (Prof.) Arup Dasbiswas is a Clinician with about 37 years of experience, practising since 1976 and currently based in Kolkata. He is Professor and Head of the Department of Cardiology at NRS Medical College, Kolkata. Dr. Dasbiswas can also be consulted at his private clinic located near the college. He is also on call at several other prestigious hospitals in Kolkata.

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Dr. Sudhir Ramachandra Naik


Medical Council Registration
Special Interests


  • MBBS, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
  • MD(Internal Medicine), Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
  • DM(Cardiology), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Work Experience

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Dr. Nikhil Kumar


MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology) is an all-round Cardiologist with extensive experience in Interventional, Non-invasive and Preventive and Clinical Cardiology. He has expertise in Complex Coronary Angioplasty including Rotational Atherectomy (Rotablation), Valvuloplasty, Device Closure of Shunt Lesions, Pacemaker and AICD implantations, Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy and Renal, Peripheral and Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting.

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Dr. V Hariharan


Dr. V. Hariharan is a reputed name with vast experience in the field of cardiology. He has exceptional training in complex coronary interventions and transradial coronary interventions and is an expert in the use of use of drug eluting stents, atherectomy and rotablation, transradial interventions, and balloon valvuloplasty procedures.
Work Experience

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Dr. Praveer Agarwal


Dr. Praveer Agarwal, Director Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi is a nationally renowned cardiologist who has contributed extensively to the growth, development and training in the field of Interventional Cardiology in India. He is dedicated to provide compassionate and comprehensive treatment with an aim to serve the community at large.

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Dr. Atul Mathur


Dr. Atul Mathur is Director Interventional Cardiology at Fortis Escort Heart Institute, New Delhi. He is a pioneer in the field of both Coronary and Vascular interventions in the Asia Pacific. Apart from complex coronary procedures he is also an expert in aortic stent grafting, carotid stenting, IVC filter placement, peripheral vascular stenting, venous interventions etc.

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