Dr. Sudhir Ramachandra Naik

Dr. Sudhir Ramachandra Naik
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Cardiac Surgeon
Department :
Hospital :
Medical Council Registration
Special Interests
- Clinical cardiology
- Preventive cardiology
- MBBS, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
- MD(Internal Medicine), Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
- DM(Cardiology), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Work Experience
- W.H.O. Fellow (1977) – Hammersmith Hospital, London U.K.
- Rigshospital. Copenhagen, Denmark, Karoluska Instuition. Stockholum, Sweden,
- Moscow Inst. of Cardiology & Armenia Institute of Cardiology, USSR
- Prof. of Cardiology Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. (1978 – 1999)
- Emeritus Prof. of Cardiology at University of Health Sciences A P
- Director of Cardiology & Dean, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences (2006)
- Working in Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad since his last assignment
Fellowships and Memberships
- Former Chairman, Ethics Committee
- Member, National Institute of Nutrition
- Member, National Ethics Committee, Mumbai
- Fellow, Indian College of Cardiology
- Member, College of Chest Physicians of India
- Member, Indian College of Physicians
- Member, College of General Practitioners of India
- Founder fellow, Indian Society of Echo Cardiography
- On Editorial board of India Heart Journal, Journal of API, Journal of Chest Diseases, Asian Journal of Cardiology, Journal of Hypertension (Indian Edition)
Awards and Achievements
- Gold Medal for Best scientific paper association of physicians of India1977
- WHO Fellowship on Prevention of Cardio vascular disease in South East Aisa 1977
- Rustom Jal Vakil Oration Award Bombay 1979
- Col Waghray Oration Award and Gold Medal 1983
- Dr. Bhale Rao Oration Award 1988.
- Association of physician of India first national debate on "Controversies in Medicine- The role of By-Pass Surgery"
- Annual National debate on management of Cardiovascular disease Ahmedabad 1988.
- Rotary International award for best medical camp 1988.
- American Biographical institute Man of The Year 2001.
Unique Contribution
- Treatment and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes in India (CREATE): a prospective analysis of registry data. LANCET.COM VOL 371 APRIL 26, 2008
- Effects of a poly pill (Polycap) on risk factors in middle-aged individuals without cardiovascular disease (TIPS): a phase II, double-blind, randomized trial. LANCET .COM MARCH 30, 2009
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