
Dr. Anil Saxena


Dr Saxena has many academic and research projects to his credit and has been invited as a faculty to various national and international symposia and workshops.

Clinical Interests/ Specialised Treatments/ Arear of Expertise

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Dr. Viney Jetley


Dr. Viney Jetley is an Associate Director of Invasive Cardiology and Electrophysiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi. He has the expertise to carry out all kinds of Invasive Cardiac Procedures, such as Angiography, Stenting Rotablation along with all kinds of device implantation including pacemakers, COMBO devices, Electrophysiology & Radiofrequency Ablation.

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Dr. Nishith Chandra


Dr. Chandra, is a director interventional cardiology, at New Delhi's Fortis Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre. He has been at Fortis for last 21 years.

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Dr. Sameer Shrivastava


Dr. Sameer Shrivastava, Heads the department of Non-Invasive Cardiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute. He is the in charge of Resident program at FEHI. He is also the Principal Coordinator of PGDCC (Post graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology) program at FEHI. He is an expert in all the Non-Invasive imaging procedures performed at FEHI including 3D Echocardiography, Tissue Doppler imaging, Strain, 2D Echocardiography, Vascular Dopplers & Stress Echocardiography. He is deeply involved with the entire academic and research activities at FEHI as well. Dr.

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Dr. Aparna Jaswal


Observation training at Aurora Sinai medical centre, St. Luke Medical Centre, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA under the supervision of Dr. Masoood Akhtar and Dr. J. Sra-2006.

Electrophysiology (EP: Expertise in Ablation of various complex arrhythmias, Three Dimensional Mapping, Implantation of Pacemakers, ICDs, CRT, CRT D.

Case Studies:-

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Dr. S.S.Murthy


Dr. S. S. Murthy completed his MBBS from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. He did his post graduation (DNB) in Internal Medicine from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi in 1995. He did his super-specialization - DNB in Cardiology from National Heart Institute, New Delhi in 1999. He had been associated with Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi since 2002 for more than 10.5 yrs. He has a vast experience in field of clinical and invasive cardiology of over 18 yrs. He has been in the field of Interventional Cardiology since more than 8 yrs.

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Dr. Amit Hooda


He has vast experience in trans-radial coronary and peripheral interventions as well as structural heart disease interventions. He had previously worked as faculty at prestigious Christian Medical College, Vellore . He has keen interest in FFR and IVUS guided interventions. He has keen interest in managing heart failure patients undergoing cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory devices like LVADs. He has illustrious academic career at graduate and postgraduate level. He has been invited as faculty at various national and international conferences.

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Dr. Sharad Tandon


Dr. Sharad Tandon is a well - known name in the field of Non - Invasive Cardiology. He is the Director - Non Invasive Cardiology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute. With a rich experience of over 20 years to his credit, Dr. Tandon has been associated with prestigious organizations like Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi. His special areas of interests include Non-invasive & Clinical Cardiology, Critical Care Cardiology and he is actively involved in conducting the Heart Failure Programme which includes an integrated approach towards handling heart failure.

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Dr. Sanjeev Chaudhary


He is a renowned interventional cardiologist with an experience of over 12 years. His last assignment was as senior interventional cardiologist at Paras hospitals Gurgaon where he worked for more than 5 years. He has a vast experience in performing coronary angioplasty and has performed over five thousand interventional procedures. He has a keen interest in clinical research and is principal investigator in many clinical research studies. He has contributed maximum number of cases all over India in multinational TAO study.

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Dr. Bharat Rawat


Dr Rawat is credited with the initiation of modern cardiology practice in Nepal. He was the cardiologist to the King, the prince and Prime minister of Nepal. Dr Rawat worked as the Executive Director and Chief of Cardiology at Norvic International Hospital, Kathmandu ( 1998-2015). Dr Rawat has widely travelled all over the globe for his professional presentations and is member of all the leading Cardiac Societies. Dr Rawat has been honored with numerous awards and felicitations for his medical and social services in Nepal.

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