
Dr. Jamshed Dalal


Dr. Jamshed J Dalal is a rare triple Doctorate, having a Doctorate in Medicine, a Doctorate in Cardiology from Mumbai and a PhD from UK. He did his first coronary angiography in UK in 1978 and since then has done more than 20000 cases over 35 years. He also began the angiography program, available in only four hospitals in Mumbai in 1984 along with a handful of cardiologists.
Involved in the coronary angioplasty program since the invention of angioplasty procedure and is involved in teaching the procedure to doctors in India and China over the last 20 years.

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Dr. Purushottam Kale


Graduate & postgraduate medical education from Seth G. S. Medical College & K. E. M. hospital, Mumbai. Post-doctoral training in Clinical & Investigative aspects of Pediatric and Adult Cardiology in U.S.A.

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Dr. Vijay Agarwal


Dr Vijay Agarwal Heads the Fortis Paediatric Cardiac department which provides state of the heart infrastructure in the treatment of the most complex paediatric heart defects. The Large team of doctors in the ICU and anaeastheisa is skilled in managing newborns safely and successfully. He has been trained in various premier institute in the country and abroad such Sanjay gandhi Institute of higher medical sciences, Lucknow, Sathya sai institute in puttaparthy, The Madras Medical mission in Chennai and a large part at AlderHey children hospital in UK.

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Dr. Naresh Trehan


Dr. Naresh Trehan, a graduate from King George Medical College, is a renowned Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic surgeon, trained and practiced at New York University Medical Centre Manhattan USA. He is also recognized by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

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