Dr. Aparna Jaswal

Dr. Aparna Jaswal
Experience :
Education :
MBBS (Gold Medalist) MD (Medicine) DNB ( Cardiology)
Specialization :
Department :
Observation training at Aurora Sinai medical centre, St. Luke Medical Centre, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA under the supervision of Dr. Masoood Akhtar and Dr. J. Sra-2006.
Electrophysiology (EP: Expertise in Ablation of various complex arrhythmias, Three Dimensional Mapping, Implantation of Pacemakers, ICDs, CRT, CRT D.
Case Studies:-
- Successful CRT/CRT-D implants in extremely sick patients
- Successful implants in paediatric population
- Successful pacemaker implant in a 102 year old lady
Participitated in various Multicentric International Randomized Trials.
- Music-I and II trial
- Apixaban in non-valvular atrial fibrillation
- Lead LV Study
- Vanoxirine AF Study
- SecuraTM ICD Device
- InSighT
Fellowships and Memberships
- Cardiological Society Of India
- Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society, USA
- Fellow Of American College Of Cardiology, USA
- Heart Rhythm Society- IBHRE World Ambassador
Awards and Achievements
- Distinction in Biochemistry, Pharmacology, ENT. MBBS Examination.
- Pinnamineni Venkateswara Rao Gold Medal. Best out-going student for the year 1992-93 Andhra Pradesh University of Health Sciences.
- Dr. Wazir Gold Medal. Best student for the year. Diplomate of National Board 2003
- Distinguished Service Award. Indian Medical Association - Academy of Medical Sciences 2007-08
- Outstanding Achievements Felicitation. Indian Council for Human Relations. International Women's Day 2010
- Prof DP Basu Memorial Award CSI 2014
Unique Contribution
- Three-dimensional cardiac imaging and catheter tracking in AF ablation.
- Editorial on telemedicine.
- What is CRT and who will benefit.
- Demographic profile of cardiac resynchronisation therapy recipients at our centre
- Electrocardiographic findings, co-morbidities and device therapies in octogenarians ICD recipients in Indian population 4 years experience
- Performance of active v/s passive fixation leads in pacemaker recipients - acute and chronic parameters
- Adverse events related to tined v/s screw in leads in patients receiving device implants gender differences
- Patient profile and implantation trends in recipient of pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in India at our institute: 2006-2011
- Gender differences in the clinical characteristics and atrio ventricular nodal conduction properties in patients with atrio ventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
- APHRS 2013: Single Centre experience in permanent pacemaker implantation in pediatric population with a five year follow-up
- Detection of recurrent non sustained slow VT by home monitoring ICD missed by conventional ICD device check
- CRT - present & future status
- CRT and COMBO devices: Who needs them & when?
- Pacing, devices and defibrillators beginning of a new era
- QRS width as a predictor of inducibility of ventricular tachycardia during electrophysiological study in patients with LV dysfunction
- Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardias presenting as long RP tachycardia.
- Implantation characteristics of left ventricular pacing leads in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy
- Cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure
- Ablation of VT during VT storm
- Single-centre experience of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT- P/CRT-D) of five years
- Differences in the coronary venous anatomy and its impact on the final LV lead position between ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
- Gender discrimination in selection of ICD recipients
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