Dr. V Hariharan

Dr. V Hariharan
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Cardiac Surgeon
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Hospital :
Dr. V. Hariharan is a reputed name with vast experience in the field of cardiology. He has exceptional training in complex coronary interventions and transradial coronary interventions and is an expert in the use of use of drug eluting stents, atherectomy and rotablation, transradial interventions, and balloon valvuloplasty procedures.
Work Experience
- Worked as Medical Specialist in various Army Hospitals for 9 years
- Sr. Resident in Cardiology – 1984-1986 at AIIMS, New Delhi
- Consultant Cardiologist- January 1987-April 1992 at Military Hospital (Cardiothoracic Centre) Pune, a premier Cardiac Institution where open heart surgery has been going on for the last 20 years or so. Actively involved in Non-Invasive and Invasive Cardilolgy.
- Appointed as Post graduate Teacher by Pune University for M.D. (Med) & D.M. Cardiology. Has trained many postgraduate students of Armed Forces Medical College.
- Consultant Cardiologist (May 1992 to December 1993) at Army Hospital, Delhi Cantt.
- Senior consultant Cardiology at Batra Hospital and Research Centre w.e.f March 1994 to December1995.
- Senior interventional Cardiologist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi since January 1996 till date.
- Formerly Honorary consultant of Airport Authority of India and Indian Airlines.
- Medical Adviser to HCL.
- Formerly Consultant to ONGC Hospital Dehradun.
Medical Council Registration
DMC-3630,MMC- 27188
Special Interests
- Drug eluting stents
- Transradial interventions
- Balloon valvuloplasty
- Carotid and peripheral interventional procedures
Fellowships and Memberships
- Fellow of Indian college of Agrology. (FICA USA)
- Fellow of Indian college of cardiology (FICC).
- Fellow of Indian society of Electrocardiography FISE
Unique Contribution
Forty five papers (seven Published including in International Journal, thirty eight papers read in conference and published in abstract issue of INDIAN HEART JOURNAL / JAPI
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