Dr. Mohamed Rela

Dr. Mohamed Rela
Dr. Mohamed Rela is Head and Chief Surgeon, HPB and Liver Transplant Surgery in Rela Institute, Chennai.
Listed in Guinness book of record for having performed successful liver transplant in the youngest child ever to have any transplant (5 days of age).
Performed 23 Liver transplants in Neonates (less than 28 days) which is one the largest experience in the world
Performed over 2500 Liver Transplants (in Adults and Children)
Popularized Split Liver Transplants in the UK and has one of the largest experience in Split Liver Transplants in the world having performed over 500 of these surgeries.
Has the largest experience in Auxiliary Liver Transplantation in the world having performed more the half the experience in the world.
Described safe techniques for transplantation of newborn Children.
Started South India’s largest liver transplantation programme in 2009 - in Chennai and have performed more than 700 liver transplants in children and adults in this unit.
Performed India’s first split liver transplantation and created a bench in organ sharing in India
Performed India’s first successful living donor liver Transplantation.
Performed India’s first auxiliary liver transplantation and created a bench in innovative surgical techniques in India
Performed India’s first mono segment liver transplantation.
Performed liver transplant in the smallest baby in India (4.2 kg).
First to start Post MCh “Fellowship program in Liver Transplantation” recognized by “The Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University” in Tamilnadu.
Invited to write a book-chapter for Grays Anatomy 41st Edition: Anatomy of the Pancreas.
Awarded the D.Sc. Honoris Causa by The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
- June 2008 to 2010 - Professor of Liver Surgery and Transplantation Lead Clinician for Hepatobiliary surgery, King’s College Hospital, London
- June 1994 to 2008 - Consultant Surgeon/Hon Senior Lecturer, Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, London.
- May 1993 to May 1994 - Senior Registrar in Liver Transplant Surgery King's College Hospital London.
- Jan 1992 - April 1993 - Registrar in Liver Transplant Surgery King's College Hospital London.
- Oct 1990 - Dec 1991 - Registrar in General Surgery Medway Hospital, Gillingham, Kent
- Feb 1989 - Sept 1990 - Registrar in General and Vascular Surgery Arrowe Park Hospital Wirral, Merseyside
- Aug 1987 - Jan 1989 - Senior SHO/Acting Registrar General Surgery and Urology Oldham Royal Infirmary and Oldham District General Hospital
- June 1985 - April 1987 - MS - General Surgery Stanley Medical College Madras India
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