Dr. Aditya Aggarwal
Having built the centre of excellence in Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery with special emphasis on Complex Microsurgical Reconstructions and Replantation of Amputated parts at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Dr. Aditya Aggarwal worked and trained in India, Berlin and at the Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama, Japan, Ogori Daichi General Hospital, Yamaguchi, Japan and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taipei, Taiwan.
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Dr. Rakesh K Khazanchi
Dr. Khazanchi after his masters in general surgery (1980) and plastic surgery (1983) from CMC Ludhiana, India joined All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi as Asst Professor. He completed his fellowship in microsurgery at the Microsurgery Research Centre, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia and rejoined All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in 1988. He went on to become Professor & Head of Plastic Surgery in 1997. He left AIIMS in 1999 to join Sir Ganga Ram Hospital where he was Head of the department of Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery till recently.
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Lips Augmentation
What is lip augmentation?
Lip augmentation is the procedure of reshaping or enhancing the shape of the lips. It is done to make the lips look plumper or fuller.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
Abdomen / Arms / Calves Plastic Surgery
What is abdomen/arms/calves’ plastic surgery?
The abdomen/arms/calves’ plastic surgery is done to treat sagging muscles.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
How much time is required?
The time required for breast augmentation procedure is about 2-5 hours and the hospital stay would last for about 2-4 days.
Circumferential Thighs or Buttocks
What are circumferential thighs or buttocks?
Circumferential thighs and buttocks is the procedure to get the thighs and buttocks in shape. It removes the access fat out of that region.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
How much time is required?
The time required for breast augmentation is about 2-5 hours and the hospital stay would last for about 2-4 days.
Breast Augmentation
What is breast augmentation?
Breast augmentation is the procedure where the women’s breast is enlarged, in simple terms it is called a boob job. It is even done to change the shape or alter the texture.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is various blood tests.
Breast Reduction
What is breast reduction?
The procedure involves the reduction of the breast size of women. Women’s breast is resized or the corrections are made in the tissues to make them smaller.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is various blood tests.
How much time is required?
The time required for the procedure is about two hour or three hours per breast and the hospital stay would just be for a day.
Breast Lift
What is breast lift?
Breast lift is the procedure in which the women’s sagging breast is put to the right position. Or it might even be done to get a proportionate breast size.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
How much time is required?
The time required for the procedure is about two hours and the hospital stay would just be for a day.
What is the cost of the procedure?
The procedure costs the patient about 4500 USD.
Face Lift
What is face-lift?
Face-lift is done to make the facial muscle tight so that the face looks fresher and younger, it might also be done to remove the excess skin out of the face.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
Forehead Lift
What is forehead lift?
The procedure is also known as browplasty, in which there are some corrections made in the brows or to clear off the worry lines from the head.
What are the tests required?
There is no specific test required for the procedure, just some pictures of the patient from different directions.
How much time is required?
The time required for the procedure is about an hour and the hospital stay would just be for a day.