Dr. Ramen Gyanendra Goel
Dr. Ramen Goel is an advanced laparoscopic surgeon since 1992, who has been working with bariatric surgery as well, since the year 2000. After acquiring general education in India, he's completed courses and trainig in bariatric and gastrointestinal surgeries in various cities across the globe. he is also the co-chief editor for the Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Research (JOMR) and a reviewer for the International Journal of Obesity (IJO).
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Sleeve Gastrectomy
What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Sleeve Gastrectomy is the process of weight loss where the stomach is surgically reduced by 15% of its size.
What are the tests required?
The test required before the procedure is:
Laparoscopic Rouxen Gastric Bypass
What is Laparoscopic Rouxen gastric bypass?
Laparoscopic Rouxen gastric bypass is surgical procedure to treat weight loss in the case of weight loss.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
How much time is required?
The hospital stay would be for 2-4 days. The procedure would make the patient stay in the hospital for 3-6 weeks.
What is the cost of the procedure?
The cost of the procedure is 7700 USD
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
What is Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding?
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is the procedure for treating weight loss in the case of obesity.
What are the tests required?
The test required for the procedure is blood tests.
Gastric Bypass
What is Gastric Bypass?
Gastric Bypass is a procedure in which the stomach is divided into two sections and then the small intestine is rearranged and connected to both of them.
What are the tests required?
The test required before the procedure starts is BMI >40