Dr. Peeyush Jain

Dr. Peeyush Jain
Experience :
Education :
MBBS MD Medicine DM (Cardiology)
Specialization :
Non-Invasive Cardiology and Head, Preventive Cardiology
Department :
Previous Experience
- Worked at GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi (1985-1988)
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (1988-1989)
- Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Clinical Interest
- Hypertension, Diabetes, Cholesterol Management, and Quality Control in Medical Practice.
Fellowships and Memberships
- Life Member, Cardiological Society of India and Academic Life Member, RSSDI, India.
- Running Department of Preventive and Rehabilitative Cardiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute since 1993.
Awards and Achievements
- Best Junior Resident, 1980
- Guest faculty at National and International Conferences in India and abroad.
- Editor in Chief, The Heart of the Matter, Bimonthly Journal of Heart and Diabetes Care 1996-2006.
- Author of 16 books on medicine and health in English and Hindi. Some books have also been translated in regional languages as well as Indonesian language.
- Former Peer reviewer, Indian Heart Journal
- Member, Editorial Board, Cardiology Today
- Member, Ethics Committee and Governing Council, Lady Irwin College, Delhi University, Delhi.
Unique Contribution
- Drugs in Hypercholesterolaemia in HCPT/NIPHC Lecture Series in Geriatrics , Bhatla PC (Editor), Health Care Promotion Trust, New Delhi. February 2000, pp. 328-330.
- Hypoglycaemia in HCPT/NIPHC Lecture Series in Geriatrics , Bhatla PC (Editor), Health Care Promotion Trust, New Delhi. February 2000, pp. 234-238.
- Coronary Risk Factors in the Elderly in HCPT/NIPHC Lecture Series in Geriatrics, Bhatla PC (Editor), Health Care Promotion Trust, New Delhi. February 2000, pp. 328-330.
- Jain P. Unstable Angina in Manual of Medical Emergencies (Ed. Grover A. et. al.), 2nd Edition, 2003.
- Manoria P.C., Jain P. Coronary Artery Disease in Indians in Tropical Cardiology (Mantosh M. Panja, Ed.), 2003.
- Jain P. Fibrates in the Era of Statins, in the Cardiology Update, CSI, 2004.
- Jain P. Diabetic Dyslipidaemia, in the Cardiology Update, CSI, 2004.
- Jain P. Lipid Management in Diabetes in the Cardiology Update (Ed. Manoria P.C.), 2004, pp. 277-292.
- Jain P. Fibrates in the Era of Statins in the Cardiology Update (Ed. Manoria P.C.), 2004, pp. 31-41.
- Jain P. LDL-C Should Not be Lowered to < 70 mg/dl in Indians. CSI Compendium 2004, pp. 89-92.
- Jain P. Personal Health Plan – submitted for publication in a book on lifestyle medicine being edited by Ms. Sumati Mehta, and to be published by Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI), New Delhi.
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