Dr. Dharmendra Singh

Dr. Dharmendra Singh
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Bone & Joint Institute
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Dr. Dharmendra Singh is an accomplished spine surgeon, practicing as a consultant in Medanta Bone and Joint Institute. He is graduated from Motilal Nehru medical college, University of Allahabad and did his post graduation from the same place. He received basic spinal training from Indian spinal injuries center. He won various prestigious fellowships in spine surgery and has been trained extensively by the world finest spine surgeons and has exposure to latest technology used in minimally invasive surgery.
Specialization and Expertise
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- Lumbar and cervical disc surgery
- Treatment of degenerative spine
- Osteoporotic spinal fractures management
Fellowships and Memberships
Fellowship (Spine Surgery + AO Spine Fellow)- St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK- 2011
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