Dr. Girish B Navasundi

Dr. Girish B Navasundi
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Cardiac Surgeon
Department :
Hospital :
Medical Council Registration
KMC 49165
Work Experience
- Dr. Navasundi has performed over 1700 Angiograms through Femoral, Radial and Ulnar approach.
- He has to his credit of performing 350 Angioplasties both Coronary and Peripheral, PDA Coil Closures, ASD Device Closures, IVC Filter deployment and Pace Maker Implantation's.
- His area of expertise include the usage of IABP, Distal Protection Devices, Covered Stents, IVC Filters, Thrombectomy, Intravascular Thromboysis and Embolectomy, Distal Embolisation and AICD Implantation.
- Working in Apollo Hospitals since last Assinment.
Special Interests
- Angioplasties.
- Pacemakers.
Unique Contribution
- Dr. Girish Navasundi has presented numerous Research papers and has written for several Journals, these include
- A paper on HYPERKALEMIA, Etiology and ECG Manifestations at API, Mangalore, Karnataka in 1998.
- Another Paper on PRIMARY ANGIOPLASTY AND STENTING EXPERIENCE presented at Indian College of Cardiology, 2003, Mumbai, earned him the second Best Paper Award at the National level.
- His Journal on Coronary Angiogram and Intevention through Transulnar Approach was co-published with Pratap C Rath, Bharat V Purohit, Sitaram and Mallikarjun Reddy, in the Indian Heart Journal.
- Another publication in the Indian Heart Journal was the article on “Transcatheter Closure of Perimembraous Ventricular Septal defect with Amplatzer Membraneous Occluder.
- This was co-published by Dr. A R Anil, Dr. Raghavan Dr. Sreekanth, Dr. Sanjay Bhalerao, Dr. R.Nagarajan and Dr. N B Girish.
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