Dr. Purushottam Kale

Dr. Purushottam Kale
Graduate & postgraduate medical education from Seth G. S. Medical College & K. E. M. hospital, Mumbai. Post-doctoral training in Clinical & Investigative aspects of Pediatric and Adult Cardiology in U.S.A. at Tufts University Medical Center Hospitals Boston and Memorial Hospital Worcester, Massachusetts respectively.Fellow of American College of Cardiology, Indian College of Cardiology, Indian Society of Electrocardiology, and Indian College of Physicians.Life Member of Cardiological Society of India, Association of Physicians of India, Indian Society of Electrocardiology, Indian Society of Medical Ultrasound and Indian Society of Clinical Pharmacology. Post-graduate Teacher in Cardiology for Mumbai University & D.N.B.(Cardiology) and an Examiner for D. M. (Cardiology) for Mumbai & Gujarat Universities and All India Institute of medical Sciences, New Delhi. Vice President of Cardiological Society of India and Editorial Adviser to the Indian Heart Journal for 2 years. President of Indian Society of Electrocardiology 1991-92.. Retired from K. E. M. Hospital & Seth G. S. Medical College, Mumbai as Honorary Cardiologist & Honorary Professor of Cardiology in 1996. During this period established Balloon Valvotomy of Stenotic Valves, Coil Closure of PDA, Implantation of Permanent Pacemakers, and PTCA. Attended & presented papers several National and International Conferences. Published many articles in National & International Journals.
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