Dr. Rajeev Agarwal

Dr. Rajeev Agarwal
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Surgical Oncologist
Department :
Hospital :
- One of the senior most surgical oncologist & breast specialists in Delhi.
- Pioneered the practice of surgical oncology & concept of organ based specialization in oncology in northern India.
- Interests are breast conservation surgery, sentinel node biopsy & breast reconstruction.
- Member of various renowned associations such as Indian Society of Oncology, Association of Surgeons of India, Indian association of Palliative care, Indian Association of surgical Oncology & European Society of Medical Oncology( ESMO)
- Invited faculty in The International Conference on Palliative Care organized By Vatican, Rome & presented a paper on Palliative Care in Hindu Context on 12th Nov. 2004
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