Dr. Jagdish K
Dr. Jagdish K
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Department :
- 2007 - 2008: Pondicherry institute of medical Sciences, Pondicherry - Intern
- 2010 - 2013: Government Stanley medicalcollege,Chennai - General Medicine - Post-Graduate Registrar
- 2014 – 2017: Department of Nephrology,Christian Medical College Vellore - Nephrology Post-Graduate Registrar
- 2017 - 2018: Meenakshi hospital,Thanjavur, Consultant Nephrologist and transplant physician
Awards and Achievements
- Gold medal in General medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology in under graduation, Pondicherry university
- Departmental medal in General medicine - Government Stanley Medical college, 2013
- Dr. JCM SHASTRI AWARDfor excellence - Sponsored by Christian Medical college (Vellore) - 2017
Unique Contribution
Reviewer for the following journals:
- Indian journal of nephrology
- Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Andrology
Involvement in research:
- Primary investigator in “Effect of double filtration plasmapheresis on various plasma components and patient safety”
- Primary investigator in “COAL - UF “study
Journal Publications:
- Jagdish K, Jacob S, Varughese S, David V, Mohapatra A, Valson A et al. Effect of doublefiltration plasmapheresis on various plasma components and patient safety: A prospectiveobservational cohort study. Indian Journal of Nephrology. 2017;27(5):377.
- Matthai S, Jacob S, Palak R, Jagdish K, Varughese S, Tamilarasi V. Crescentic C3 glomerulopathywithacquired partial lipodystrophy: An unusual cause of rapidly progressive renal failure. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2017;60(2):290.
Extra-mural talks:
- Plenary speaker in “Experiences in double filtration plasmapheresis for renal indications” in 3rd Annual kidney congress in New York - October 2018
- Discrepancies in Peritoneal equilibration test - PD Scientia 2016 - Christian Medicalcollege Vellore.
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