Dr. Hemant Tongaonkar

Dr. Hemant Tongaonkar
Dr. Tongaonkar worked in the specialty of Urologic and Gynecologic Oncology for 25 years at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He has underwent Fellowship programme in Urologic Oncology and Gynaecologic Oncology in India. Dr. Hemant Tongaonkar is a Full time Hospital Based Consultant in Surgical Oncology under the Department of Surgery with us.
- He is a Postgraduate teacher for MCh Surgical Oncology, Mumbai University, MUHS & HBNI.
- He also is a Paper setter & Examiner for MCh Surgical Oncology, Mumbai University & Gujarat University.
His prior experience is summarized below:
- 1986: M.S. ( General Surgery), Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
- 1986-92: Senior residency in Surgical Oncology & Research fellowship in Urologic and Gynaecologic Oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
- 1992: Assistant Surgeon,Urologic and Gynaecolgic Oncology,Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
- 2002:Professor & Head, Department of Genitourinary & Gynaecologic Oncology.
- 2010: Head, Department of Surgery at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
Fellowships and Memberships
President, Association of Gynecologic Oncologists of India 2005
- National Co-ordinator (Surgical Oncology) for 11th five year plan under the aegis of National Cancer Control Programme, Government of India.
- National Co-ordinator: TNM Committee for Urological Cancers.
- National Convener: Uro-Oncology for Urological Society of India 2011-12
- Team Member which developed the newer “State of the art” surgical procedures in Urologic & Gynecologic Oncology e.g. Neobladder, Radical prostatectomy, exenterative procedures etc.
Member of the Editorial Board:
- International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (2008-2009)
- Indian Journal of Urology
- Journal of Cancer Research & Therapeutics
- Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
- Indian Journal of Urology
Sectional Editor (Surgical Oncology):Indian Journal of Cancer.
- International Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Indian Journal of Urology
- Indian Journal of Cancer
- Indian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Journal of Indian Society of Medical & Paediatric Oncology
- Journal of Cancer Research & Therapeutics
- Association of Gynecologic Oncologists of India
- Executive Committee, West- Zone Chapter : Urological Society of India
- American Urological Association
- Societe Internationale d’Urologie
- International Gynecologic Cancer Society
- Asia Oceania Association of Genital Infections and Neoplasia
- Genitourinary Cancer Society of India
- Mumbai Urological Association
- Indian Association of Genitourinary Surgeons
- Indian Society of Oncology
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
- Scientific Review Committee, Tata Memorial Hospital 2008-2011
- Secretary, Scientific Review Committee, Tata Memorial Hospital 2006-2007
- Hospital Ethics Committee, Tata Memorial Hospital 2003-2005
- Scientific Review Committee,Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology,ICMR
- Executive Committee,Women’s Cancer Initiative
- National Subcommittee on “Control of Cervical Cancer” ICMR, Government of India
- National Task Force for planning strategies for cervical cancer in National Cancer Control Programme 11th five year plan, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
- International Consultation on Urological Diseases (Bladder cancer)
- Executive Council, Urological Society of India 2011-12
- Executive Council, Urological Society of India West Zone 2009-10
NCI approved Investigator for international collaborative trials
Secretary, Hospital Scientific Review Committee, Tata Memorial Hospital 2006-2007.
Ex-Trustee & Treasurer, Indian Cancer Society
Awards and Achievements
- 1993: “Dr. C. K. P. Menon Award” of the Urological Society of India
- 2009: Rashtriya Rattan Award for outstanding contribution to Oncology
- Was instrumental in getting MCh Gynaecologic Oncology course approved in India.
- Started the first Fellowship Programmes in Urologic Oncology & Gynaecologic Oncology in India under the aegis of Homi Bhabha National University.
- Was included in the top Gynecologic Oncologists of India for a “State of the Science” meeting on Endometrial cancer at Manchester by National Cancer Institute, USA, to define and develop research trials pertaining to endometrial cancer.
Unique Contribution
Dr. Tongaokar have been actively involved in presenting his work in many International and National conferences.
He has delivered numerous orations, key note addresses and lectures. He has also organized many International and National conferences pertaining to my specialty. He has more than 150 scientific publications in reputed International and National journals.
Some of his publications have been acknowledged as “Outstanding contributions to the subject”.
Clinical Trial: His clinical trial on “Intravesical BCG immunoprophylaxis in high risk superficial bladder cancer” has been hailed as “of major importance to world health”.
Besides these, he has also contributed chapters related to Urologic & Gynecologic Oncology to books published by reputed International publishers and also by FOGSI.
He also actively participates in television programmes for Mumbai Doordarshan, pertaining to Gynecological cancers for mass education.
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