Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht

Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht

Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Radiation oncology
Department :


Dr. Shyam from division of radiation oncology has a 1 year Fellowship in High Precision EBRT from Medanta Cancer Institute and had done his CyberKnife Training from International Faculty in 2012. He has worked in Delhi State Cancer Institute and Artemis Health Institute as a Senior Resident. He was awarded GC Pant Young Doctor Award and Fellowship in 2010 for best paper presentation award at National Conference, Gold Medal and Trophy in 2008 for best paper presentation award at AROI-2008, SGPGI and a Silver Medal-AROI 2005 for Best paper Session.He also holds membership certifications of AROI- National, AROI- UP Chapter and Indian Brachytherapy Society. He is currently serving as an Associate Consultant for Medantas Radiation Oncology Division.

Specialization and Expertise

  1. SBRT
  2. Head Neck Oncology
  3. Thoracic Oncology
  4. High Precision External Beam Radiotherapy

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