Dr. Manisha Arora
Dr. Manisha Arora
Experience :
Education :
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Department :
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Work Experience:
- Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Maharaja Agarsen Hospital, Delhi
- Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology. Sunder Lal Jain Hospital , Delhi
- More than 13 years of experience In high risk pregnancy management and infertility management
- Clinical Fellowship, IVF, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (Delhi) (2009)
Speciality Interest:
- Infertility and High Risk Pregnancy
- Minimal invasive Surgery
Fellowships and Memberships
- Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India ( FOGSI)
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
Awards and Achievements
- Paper on ‘ A Rare Case of Spleenic Abscess in Pregnancy’ published in Rajasthan Medical journal (2004)
- Paper on Emergence of Cabergoline - A Revolution in puerperal milk suppression ‘ published in Rajasthan Medical Journal (2004)
- Clinical Fellowship in advanced infertility management and IVF from sir Gangaram Hospita
Unique Contribution
- Paper on 'A Rare Case of Spleenic Abscess in Pregnancy' published in Rajasthan Medical Journal (2004)
- Paper on 'Emergence of Cabergoline - A Revolution in Puerperal Milk Suppression' published in Rajasthan Medical Journal
- (2004)
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