Dr. Deepu Banerji
Dr. Deepu Banerji
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Dr. Banerji brings to Fortis Hospital, Mulund a vast experience in microscopic and minimal invasive neurosurgery, spanning well over 28 years. He is a 'Sugita Fellow' from Nagoya University, Japan for microneuro-surgical training. He has worked in some prestigious institute like NIMHNANS Bangalore and SGPGIMS Lucknow. With his expertise he has pioneered to establish a neurosurgery centre under the auspices of FIENS (Foundation in International Education in International Surgery) at the National Neurosciences Centre, Kolkata. His area of interest and proficiency includes Brain Tumours, Skull Base Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Pituitary & Perisellar Pathology, Spinal Surgery and Instrumentation.
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