Dr. Yugal K. Mishra

Dr. Yugal K. Mishra
Dr. Yugal K. Mishra is the Director, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre, New Delhi, India. He has already operated more than 12000 cardiovascular cases. Since last 21 years his specialties of interest are minimally invasive cardiac surgery which include MIDCAB, OPCAB and Port access approach for mitral valve, aortic valve surgery and ASD closure. Dr. Mishra has already operated more than 1800 cases with port access technology. Other area of his interest is redoing cardiac surgery and he has already performed more than 1000 redo cardiac cases. He started robotic cardiac surgery program at Escorts Heart Institute in December 2002 and since then he has performed 400 robotic cardiac cases with excellent results. Besides clinical work he is actively involved in research and already published more than 80 scientific papers and chaired scientific sessions in national and international conferences in USA, UK, China, Italy, Japan, France and Far East Countries. He performed live cases in workshops in Thailand, Bangladesh and Nepal.
- Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
- Robotic surgery
- Beating heart coronary artery bypass
- Aortic surgery
Fellowships and Memberships
PhD fellowship in cardiovascular surgery from Bakulev Institute, returned to India in 1991 and joined Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi. Trained / fellowship in:-
- Fellowship (CTVS) from University Hospital Upsala, Sweden
- Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery from University Hospital Utrecht Netherland
- Robotic Cardiac Surgery training from University Hospital Utrecht Netherland
- Robotic Cardiac Surgery training from Odessa Texas, USA
- Robotic MidCAB Surgery training from Columbia University Medical Centre, USA
- Robotic Cardiac Surgery training from Ohio State University Columbus Medical Centre, USA
- Special Course in Endoscopic IMA harvesting from Institute of Tele surgery, University of Strasbourge, France.
- Minimally access Valve Surgery (Heart Post surgery or Key hole surgery) from heart port Research and Training Centre in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Awards and Achievements
- Rashtriya Ratan Award by International Study Circle in 2005
- Lifetime Achievement Award by World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology (WCCPC) conferred by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in 2006.
- Honoris Causa Doctorate (Doctor of Science) conferred by Governor of Madhya Pradesh and Chancellor of Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya.
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