Dr. Hemanth Vudayaraju

Dr. Hemanth Vudayaraju
Experience :
Education :
MBBS, MS, M.Ch, Diplomate National Board (Surgical Oncology)
Specialization :
Surgical Oncologist
Department :
Hospital :
- Dr. Hemanth Vudayaraju is a practising Surgical Oncologist with an experience of 21 years.
- He pursued his MBBS in the year 1998 from Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad. He completed his MS in the year 2004 from Kakatiya Medical College, Wrangal. He has also done his MCh in the year 2007 from Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute - Ahmedabad.
- Dr. Hemanth Vudayaraju is an experienced, skilled and awarded doctor in his field of specialization.
- He worked at Apollo Hospitals from 2016 to 2018, from 2011 to 2016 with Yashoda Cancer Institute, from 2010 to 2011 with Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences and from 2007 to 2010 at MNJ Institute of Oncology and Regional Cancer Center.
Special Interest
- Esophageal and Upper GI Surgery.
- Thoraco- Laparoscopic Onco Surgery.
- Gynae Oncology.
Fellowships and Memberships
Professional Membership:
- Indian Medical Association.
- Association of Surgeons of India.
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncology.
- Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons.
- Association of Breast Surgeons of India.
Fellowships / Certification:
- Minimally invasive Thoracic Surgery Certification May 2014, Covidien Center of Innovation, Shanghai, China in association with Fundan university Shanghai and Duke University school of Medicine.
- Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery Feb 2012
- Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo-Surgeons
Awards and Achievements
- Gold Medalist / University First in M Ch Surgical Oncology - Gujarat University
- Secured All India 1st Rank in M.Ch Entrance Exam - conducted by Gujarat University - July 2004.
- MBBS and M.S. in First Division.
- State level high school merit scholarship.
- Laparoscopy in GynaeOncology: Invited Guest Lecture: TCOG 2015 Warangal 12-13 December 2015.
- Advances in Head and Neck Oncosurgery: Invited Guest Lecture: Pratima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, 8thNovember 2015.
- Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy: Video Presentation: NATCONIASO 15 Bhubaneswar September 17-20 -2015.
- Changing Concepts Management of Head and Neck Malignancies: Invited Guest Lecture: Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, 11thJuly 2015.
- Fibroid Uterus Endoscopic Management: Moderator: Live Operative Workshop Matrix Hospital Hyderabad, 15thMarch 2015.
- Scientific Committee Chairperson YICC2015 Hyderabad 23-25 January 2015.
- Debate : Lymphadenectomy for Penile Cancer : Elective vs. Prophylactic: ASICON 2014 27-30 December Hyderabad.
- Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy: Live demo: Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy- Simple to Radical: Live Operative Workshop Matrix Hospital Hyderabad 16th February 2014.
- Evolution of Surgery for Laryngeal Malignancies: Invited Guest Lecture: Pratima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, 31 March 2013.
- Evaluation and Management- Rectal Malignancies: Invited Guest Lecture: Pratima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, October 2012.
- Video presentation: Laparoscopic Radical Hemicolectomy: Special Scenarios. APASICON, Hyderabad September 2012.
- Surgical Management - Cervical Cancer: Postgraduate CME: Invited Guest Lecture: Pratima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar June 2012.
- Evolution of Surgery for Laryngeal Malignancies: Invited Guest Lecture: Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, 29 January 2012.
- Salivary Neoplasm’s –A Mixed bouquet: Invited Guest Lecture: Mamata Dental College, Khammam, and August 2011.
- D -2 Lymphadenectomy East or West? APASICON, Warangal, September 2009.
- Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy for Carcinoma of Hypopharynx - Evaluation of functional outcome and Morbidity profile - Annual National Conference of Association of Surgical Oncology, Varanasi, September 2006.
- Bilateral synchronous Intra Abdominal Seminoma in cryptorchid patient - Annual National Conference of Association of Surgical Oncology, Varanasi, September 2006 (Poster Presentation)..
- Unusual presentations of Teratoma - our experience Annual National Conference of Association of Pediatric Surgeons of India, Hyderabad November 2003.
- Frantz tumor - a rare pancreatic neoplasm - APASICON, Rajahmundry September 2003.
Unique Contribution
- Principal Investigator: Protocol No. C-HET –CAP _002.
- Evaluation of Conservative Breast Surgery for Carcinoma Breast submitted to Gujarat University in May 2007.
- Clinico-Pathological Study of Solitary Thyroid Nodule submitted to NTR University in September 2003.
- A Study on Nodal Positivity in Central Compartment of Neck in differentiated Thyroid Malignancies. A Study from Tertiary Care Center LaxmanaSastry, Hemanth Kumar, Rahul www.ijcmr.com vol3.Issue 1. Jan2016.
- Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A Rare Case Report: Hemanth Vudayaraju etal: Indian J GynecolOncolog92016)14:8 DOI10.1007/s40944-015-0035-z
- Meckel’s Diverticulum (GIST) - Rare Case Reports: Acta Medica International. Status: accepted for publication.
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