Dr. Madhukiran Yarlagadda

Dr. Madhukiran Yarlagadda

Experience :
Education :
MBBS, MS(Orthopaedics) , FMISS , FISS(SG)
Specialization :
Orthopedic Surgeon
Department :


Dr. Madhukiran yarlagadda is a Consultant Spine Surgeon practicing in Chennai, India.Trained in NUHS Singapore. Had undergone various fellowships in Spine surgery and is also a well trained in Joint replacement surgeon.
He credited with the following
1. Our team is the first in South east Asia to perform Robotic spine surgeries, Belong to the very few in the world to do such surgeries
2. Endoscopic Transforaminal spine surgery – Another feather in the cap to have performed in Chennai
3. We have one of the largest case series of performing Peadiatric scoliosis and adult degerative complex scoliosis in the country
4. A trained hip and knee replacement surgeon performing good number of joint replacements

Fellowships and Memberships

  • ASSI ,
  • AO Spine

Unique Contribution

Endoscopic Spine Surgery and Robotic Minimally invasive spine surgery

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