Dr. Sreekanta Swamy
Dr. Sreekanta Swamy
Experience :
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Work Experience
- Dr.Sreekanta Swamy, a Proficient name in the department of Neurology has more than three decades of experience.
- 17 Yrs., Medical Officer in the Accident and Emergency Divison of National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, popularly known as NIMHANS.
- Has worked as a Lecturer in various medical colleges.
- He has practically demonstrated procedures like nerve conduction studies, EMG and EEG to the students.
- Senior Specialist in Neurology at Salmaniya Medical Complex,in the Kingdom of Bahrain and at the Bahrain Specialist Hospital.
- Worked as Consultant Neurologist across various hospitals.
- Professor of Neurology at MVJ Medical College, Bangalore. Stroke. Epilepsy. Head and Facial pains. Movement disorders.
Medical Council Registration
KMC 17521
Special Interests
- Stroke.
- Epilepsy.
- Head and Facial pains.
- Movement disorders.
Fellowships and Memberships
- Life Member of Bangalore Neurological Society.
- Life Member of Indian Association of Neurology.
- Life Member of Indian Epilepsy Association.
Unique Contribution
- Dr. Swamy is actively involved in the field of research and education. Apart from attending various workshops, he has also attended many seminars.
- He has attended workshops on Hemophilia, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Refractory Epilepsies and Movement Disorders.
- The seminars on Neuromuscular disorders, Parkinson’s disease and Neuro-infection saw his active participation.
- Publication on Fatal Neurological manifestations of acute Intermittent Prophyria : Bahrain Medical Bulletin : Vol 26, no 2 , June 2004.
- He is also the co-author of the book “Dystonia associated with atlantoaxial subluxation”, which was published in the Journal Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. This is the first case report of its kind in the medical literature which saw the light of publication a decade back.
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