Dr. P P Bapsy

Dr. P P Bapsy
Experience :
Education :
Specialization :
Surgical Oncology
Department :
Hospital :
- Dr Bapsy is one of the senior most Oncologists with a brilliant 37 years of experience. She has published many books on cancer and she teaches as well. She has published numerous research papers on different aspects of cancer and treatment.
- Dr. Bapsy has won many awards for her contribution to medical science like Best Lady out going student in Medicine, Paul Harris Award br Rotary, Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Oration, New Delhi, Vasantha Memorial Award, Coimbatore for Women Oncologist, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Special Interests
- Breast Cancer.
- Colo- Rectal Cancer.
- Multiple Myeloma.
Medical Council Registration
KMC - 17949
Fellowships and Memberships
- Association of Physicians of India
- Indian Medical Association
- Indian Society for Oncology
- Indian Association of MEdical & Pediatric Oncology
- Executive Member of Indain Association of Medical & Pediatric Oncology & Indian Society for Oncology
- European School of Medical Oncology
Awards and Achievements
- Best Lady out going student in Medicine (1972)
- Paul Harris Award br Rotary (2002)
- Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion Oration, New Delhi (2003)
- Vasantha Memorial Award, Coimbatore for Women Oncologist
- Senior Research Fellow, Oxford University, Oxford, UK (2005)
Unique Contribution
- Lung Cancer Profile. SNCRD Abstract 16, 1982.
- Lung Cancer in Non-smokers. Abstract 94 Abstract ISCO, 1984. ( Indian Society of Clinical Oncology, New Delhi, Feb – 1984).
- Clinical pattern of tuberculosis in Cancer Institute Abstract No.56 – JAPI 32 (1) : 42, 1984.
- Initial experiences with treatment of childhood Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. (Symposium on Perspectives in Non Hodgkins Lymphomas – 1984).
- Neuroblastoma in Children – A study of 15 cases. Abstract No.7 Souvenir. (All India Cancer Chemotherapy Symposium Jabalpur December, 1984.
- Abdominal Lymphomas : A study of 25 Cases Abstract No.263 – JAPI Vol. 33 (1) : 62, 1985.
- Uncommon Non metastatic neurological manifestation of malignancy. Abstract No.341 - JAPI Vol. 33(1) : 63, 1985.
- Clinical Profile of Lung Cancer in Indian women. Abstract No/ 263 – JAPI Vol. 33(1): 75, 1985.
- CNS involvement in Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Abstract P/2 312. 2nd Biennial conference ISO 1986 , Bombay.
- Diagnosis of hepatic involvement in Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Abstract O/117 pg 228 2nd Biennial conference ISO 1986, Bombay.
- Laparotomy and splenectomy in Hodgkins disease. Abstract O/73 pg 179.2nd Biennial conference ISO 1986, Bombay.
- Review of Testicular tumors at Cancer Institute Madras. P-18 pg.328, 2nd Biennial Conference ISO, 1984.
- Supportive Care in intensive Treatment (for Berry Memorial Award) API Madras, 1987.
- Mediastinal involvement in Non Hodgins’s Lymphoma. JAPI, 1987.
- Myelodysplastic syndrome. A report of three cases. JAPI, 1987.
- Lung cancer in women. International congress on Lung Cancer, 1988.
- Megestrol acetate in advanced breast cancer. South Zone ISO, Feb 1989.
- Initial experiences with chemo-radiotherapy for SCLC. Abs 121. Abstract Book ISCO, 1984.
- Plasma cell tumors : a review of 30 cases Abstract No. 181 – JAPI 32 (1) : 70, 1984.
- CGL prospective study of 159 cases. JAPI, 33 (1) : 67, 1985.
- Ewing's Sarcoma : concurrent Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy : Initial experience – O/86 pg 30. (III Biennial Conference of Indian society of Oncology – Bangalore –February 1988: Scientific Abstracts – Proferred Pagers Book).
- Initial experience with anterior Chemotherapy in 3 solid tumors (Osteosarcoma, Buccal Mucosa & oesophagus) –Pg 59 Proceedings. (IV Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Oncology, Ahmedabad February – 1990 Proceedings).
- Phase II trial of Mitoxantrone in Recurrent Carcinoma breast. Pg. (V National Cancer Congress Indian Society of Oncology, Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Chemo-radiotherapy in Carcinoma Base Tongue. Pg 102 (V National Cancer Congress Indian Society of oncology Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Infection profile in Febrile neutropenic patients with ALL. Pg 118 (Vth National Cancer Congress Indian Society of Oncology Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Burkitt’s Lymphoma – Clinical Study. Pg 99 (Vth National Cancer Congress Indian Society of Oncology Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Management of Buccal Cancers : A changing scenario in a regional Institute. Pg (Vth National Cancer Congress Indian Society of Oncology Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Unusual presentations in Acute Leukemias. Pg 165 (Vth National Cancer Congress Indian Society of Oncology Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Chemotherapy in Head & Neck Cancers: KIMIO Experience. Proceedings of INDO-US CME in Medical Oncology, Bangalore-December 1991 Eds N Lalitha & SS Legha. Sponsored by Medical Council of India 103-111,1991, KIMIO Bangalore.
- Advanced Breast Cancers : KIMIO Experience Proceedings of INDO-US CME IN Medical Oncology, Bangalore- December 1990 Eds N Lalitha & SS Legha.
- An over view of Pediatric Tumors at KIMIO : Proceedings of INDO-US CME in Medical Oncology, Bangalore- December 1990 Eds N Lalitha & SS Legha.
- Chemotherapy in Lung Cancers : KIMIO Experience Proceedings of INDO-US CME in Medical Oncology, Bangalore- December 1990 Eds N Lalith & SS Legha.
- Carcinoma Buccal Mucosa. A model of Chemotherapy sensitivity pattern -(2nd International Congress on Oral Cancer). Oral Oncology Vol II 224-226, 1991 Eds Varma AK Macmillan India New Delhi.
- Effect of Cancer chemotherapeutic agent. Methotrexate on antibacterial activity of broad spectrum antibiotic ampicillin. Pg 119 (Vth National Cancer Congress Indian Society of Oncology Madras January 1991 Proceedings Book).
- Biochemical principles for anticancer chemotherapy. Cancer Biochemistry Update, 1990.
- Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder metastatic to Oral Cavity. Ind J Cancer 31:8-11,1994.
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastatic to bones. Ind J Cancer 32:31-35,1995.
- Megestrol Acetate in Advanced Breast Cancer – Pilot Indian Study : Indian Journal of Cancer1.
- Perspectives in integrated therapeutic approach in loco-regionally advanced buccogingival carcinoma. ( 3rd International Congress on Oral Cancer ). Oral Oncology Vol IIIB 352-355, 1994 Ed Varma AK Macmillan Indid Ltd New Delhi.
- Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. Bombay Hosp J 36:109-112,1994.
- Hematopoietic growth factors in radiation mucositis. J Assophy India 1995 Suppl (3) 11-13.
- Ewing’s Sarcoma with central nervous system metastasis – report of two cases. Indian J Cancer, 1997 Mar: 34 (1):26-9.
- Cardiac metastasis from carcinoma breast – a case report Indian J.Med Sci. 1997 Jan 51(1):15-7.
- Synovial Sarcoma of the neck Euro arch otorhinolaryngol, 1997L254(5):246-50.
- Pericaridal Mesotheliomas : A Report of Two cases Indian J. Medical & Pediatrics:Mar 1998.
- Role of CT in oral Cancer – Oral Cancer symposium April 1999.
- Key note Address: Role of oncology nurses in cancer management Jan ‘ 2000. – National Oncology Nursing Conference.
- Palliative chemotherapy abst. International conference on palliative care Jan 2000.
- What drugs in Adjuvant C.T in Breast Cancer in the New Millennium. Feb’2000. Nagpur.
- Breast Cancer in the new millennium – Male Breast Cancer –Institute Experience – What – Nagpur – February 2000.
- Breast Cancer in the new millennium – Malignant Cytosarcoma Phyllodes – Nagpur – February 2000.
- Breast Cancer in the new millennium – Is Hormone Receptor status a useful Prognostic Tool? – Nagpur – February 2000.
- Breast Cancer in the new millennium – Breast Cancer Rehabilitational (Breast Care) – Nagpur – February 2000.
- Breast Cancer in the new millennium - Letrozole in the Management of Advanced Breast Cancer – Nagpur – February 2000.
- Breast Cancer in the New Millennium – Paclitaxel and cisplatin in Metastatic Breast Cancer – A KMIO Experience.
- VII International Conference of IAPC on Palliative care – Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology – Feb 2000.
- What beholds Cancer in the new Millennium - Vasantha Memorial Oration. Coimbatore Jan 2000.
- Newer Modalities in the Treatment of Breast Cancer – Oncology Update 2000- Army Hospital – Delhi – September 2000.
- Command Hospital Air Force Bangalore – Medicine Update 2001 – on Acute Leukemia – July 2001.
- Workshop on Early Detection Techniques and Cancer Awareness – Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology – Diet & Cancer – September 2001.
- CME Programme in Internal Medicine – Medical Education and Research Trust Bangalore - Acute Leukemia – October-November 2001.
- Experience with biologic response modifiers in chronic myeloid Leukemia in a developing country.
- “Nail and skin pigmentation: adverse effects of Docetaxel” Oncology Forum 2002; 6 (1):20.
- “Mixed Germ Cell tumor with skin Metastasis”. JAPI.2003; 51:322-323.
- Invasive aspergillus’s in cancer Mycoses 45 (358-363) 2002.
- Is oral chemotherapy better than intravenous in palliative setting.(abstract booklet ISO & ISMPO 2002).
- Adverse effects of Docetaxel - Oncology Forum Vol.6, No.1, 2002.
- Comparison of three chemotherapy regimens in Advanced Lung Cancer - (abstract booklet ISO & ISMPO 2002).
- Concurrent chemo-radiation in Head & Neck Malignancies(abstract booklet ISO & ISMPO 2002).
- Vertebral collapse as a presenting feature in a patient of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.I.J.M.P.O.2003; 23:8-10.
- Hodgkins Disease and pilocytic astrocytoma - synchronous presentation, J Assc Physicians India, Aug, 51,:883-4, 2003.
- Hodgkin’s disease and Pilocytic astrocytoma a synchronous presentation. JAPI, 2003;51:833.
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Osteolytic bone involvement. JAPI, 2003;51:740.
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: A paradigm shift in Management of solid tumors. A review article, Journal of Association of Physicians of India (JAPI), 2003:51:801.
- New frontiers in heamato-oncology. JAPI.2003;51:Nov, Accepted - June 2003.
- Hydroxyurea induced leg ulcer in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Oncology Forum (Accepted for Publication).
- Sino-Oral Zygomycosis Due To Absidia corymbifera In A Patient With Acute Leukemia. Medical Mycology 2004; 42: 475-/8.
- Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia with extramedullary relapse in Bone - JAPI Vol. 52 Accepted March 2004.
- Docetaxel - Induced Onycholysis - JAPI - Vol. 52 - February 2004.
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - A review article, Journal of Association of Physicians of India (JAPI) Vol 52 - May 2004.
- Recent advances in Metastatic Breast Cancer - Review article, Indian Journal of Medical Pediatric Oncology Vol 25 No.2, May 2004. Page No. 19-27. 82. Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia - A review article, The association of Physicians of India - JAPI Vol 52 Dec. 2004, Page No.981-985.
- Retroperitoneal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2005, 3:66.
- Case of Isolated CNS relapse , Accepted for publication in IJMPO 2006 march.
- Case of Thymic Carcinoma with long term survival , Accepted for publication in IJMPO 2006 march.
- Case of Therapy related APML , Accepted for publication in IJMPO 2006 march.
- Retrospective comparison of treatment out come & cost effective analysis of BEP & VIP for poor-prognosis metastatic germ cell tumors n India accepted in proceedings of ASCO 2006.
- Skin reactions with imatinib in CML patients, an Indian experience; accepted in proceedings of ASCO 2006.
- Single Agent versus combination chemotherapy for patients of advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with ecog ps of 2-a prospective comparative study- Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 2005; 1(Suppl) A33-A55.
- “To determine the Accuracy of clinical vs. combined Radiological and Clinical TNM stage in Oral Malignancies in South Indians” ORCA 2006, held at trivendrum organized by Indian council of medical research.
- Mucositis in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) on imatinib, an Indian experience Proceedings of 11th congress of European Hematology Association ,2006 Amsterdam Abstract No 1184.
- A retrospective study of clinico-hematological and cytogenetic profile of erythroleukemia from south India. Accepted for publication in turkish journal of hematology 2006.
- Unusual metastasis in colorectal cancer. Indian journal of cancer April 2006
- Unusual metastasis in colorectal cancer. Indian journal of cancer, 2006; 43(2), 94-96.
- Case of AML with Isolated CNS relapse, IJMPO 2006 July :27: 42-44.
- Case of Therapy related APML IJMPO 2006:26: 32-34.
- Case of Thymic Carcinoma with long term survival, IJMPO 2006 July :27: 39-40.
- Chemo radiation in patients with carcinoma breast; ; ISO&ISMPO abstract book, Patna 2006
- Family impact of clinical trials: ; ISO&ISMPO abstract book, Patna 2006
- Quality of life in breast cancer patients; ; ISO&ISMPO abstract book, Patna 2006
- Mucositis in oral malignancies. ; ISO&ISMPO abstract book, Patna 2006.
- Acute toxoplasmosis in nonstem cell transplant patients with haematological malignancies: a study from a Regional Cancer Institute in South India: Hematol Oncol 2008; 26; 229-233.
- Evaluation of Immunohistochemistry and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for HER-2/NEU expression in Breast Carcinoma .: Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2008/23 (4) 345-351.
- Attended Best of ASCO Annual Meeting ’12 held from 22nd to 24th June 2012 at Hotel Clarks, Jaipur
- Cytogenetic abnormalities in Wilms tumour patients undergoing pre-operative chemotherapy. The Cancer Journal 4:397-400 1991.
- Paracentric inv (3) (q26) in AML M2 with normal thrombopoiesis. Cancer Genet Cytogenetic 57:1001-1003, 1991.
- Mandibular Matastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Oral Maxlilofac Surg 21:97-98, 1992.
- Rhabdomyosarcoma of tongue. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32:31-35,1995.
- Rhabdomyosarcoma of Bronchus. Acta Oncologica 33:831-833,1994.
- VP-16, Ifosfamide, Cisplatinum combination chemotherapy in advanced NSCLC. Cahier d’Oncologie.1995.
- Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Oral Cavity – Report of eight cases Acta Oncol.1997: 36(8):819-21.
- Osteosarcoma of the jaw bones. Br.J.Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1997 oct;35(5):357-62.
- Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Oral Cavity – Report of eight cases Acta Oncol.1997: 36(8):819-21.
- Osteosarcoma of the jaw bones. Br.J.Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1997 oct;35(5):357-62.
- Efficacy and Safety of granulocyte macrophage – Colony stimulating factor (GMCSF) on the frequency and severity of radiation mucositis in patients with Head and Neck Carcnoma. Int. J. Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1997 Mar 15:37(5) :1005-10.
- Psyco-Social aspects of Breast Cancer in Indian Women abs UICC, Brazil 1998.
- Cancer Centre in a developing country health care perspective abs UICC, Brazil 1998.
- Interferon in Multiple myeloma abst. In International Society of Hematology (Asia –Pacific Division) Sep 1999. Bangkok.
- 7th International Conference – Adjuvant Therapy in Primary Breast Cancer – Volume 10, Supplement 1 – ISSN 0960-9776 – Quality of
- Life – A new dimension treatment of cancer in a developing country – St. Gallen / switzerland – February 2001.
- Superior efficacy of Letrozole (Femara) versus tamoxifen as first-line therapy for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer: Results of a phase III study of the International Letrozole Breast Cancer Group – Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol, 19 No. 10 (May 15), 2001 : 2596-2606 –American society of Clinical Oncolgoy - May 2001.
- Experience with biologic response modifiers in chronic myeloid leukemia in a developing country – UICC – June – July 2002.
- GM-CSF and Bone Marrow reserve – Proceedings of UICC – June – July 2002.
- Cytogenetic changes in Lung Cancer – Proceedings of UICC – June – July 2002.
- A new model for cancer care in developing countries – Proceedings of UICC – June – July 2002.
- Quality of life – does it have an impact on response and survival in advanced Breast Cancer– Proceedings of UICC – June – July 2002.
- Evaluation of clinical benefit with letrozole in hormone responsive Advanced Carcinoma Breast – International Journal of Cancer, 2002,Supp 13;200 (Abstract).
- Assessment of tumor size in Breast Cancer – is clinical measurement a fallacy? – International Journal of Cancer. 2002;Supp 13; 209.
- Deletion of 6q23 as sole abnormality in acute myeloid leukemia (AML – M0) –Cancer Genetics 2003;143:87-88.)
- A Difficult diagnosis? –The Lancet Oncology Vol 3 June 2002.
- Open label, Multi-center, controlled study of exemestane (E-Aromasin) with or without Celecoxib (Cx – Celebrex) in postmenopausal women with advanced breast (ABC) progressed on tamoxifen (T) – Breast cancer research & treatment – Vol 76, Supplement, 1, December 2002.
- Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome – Clinical picture) Lancet Infectious Diseases – 2003,13:442.
- Sino oral zygomycosis due to absidia carymbifera in-patient with acute leukemia. Medical Mycology ,Vol 42 (5) Oct 2004, Page No. 475-478.
- Low incidence of deep venous thrombosis with Thalidomide in Multiple Myeloma: A multicenter Indian Experience, ASCO,2005.
- A retrospective study of clinico-hematological and cytogenetic profile of erythroleukemia from south India. Turk J Hematol 2006; 23:158-163
- Retroperitoneal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2005.
- Is Diabetes an independent risk factor for treatment outcome? An India Experiance. Annals of Oncology;2006;17(9S);P243;Abst-828
- A Microscopic, cultural and molecular evidence of disseminated Invasive Aspergillosis involving the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract J Med Microbiol 2006; 55: 961-4.
- Skin reactions with Imatinib in CML patients, an Indian experience; JCO. Vol. 24(1), No.18S; 2006:16522.
- Mucositis in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) on imatinib, an Indian experience. Proceedings of 11th congress of European Hematology Association, 2006 Amsterdam Abstract No 1184.
- Retrospective comparison of treatment out come & cost effective analysis of BEP & VIP for poor-prognosis metastatic germ cell tumors in India. JCO; Vol.24, No.18S; 2006:14638.
- To compare the Cost effectiveness of Arometase Inhibitors and Tamoxifen in Receptor positive post menopausal women with recurrent breast cancer. Annals of Oncology;2006;17(9S);P77; Abst-171P.
- Comparison of the prognostic indices FLIPI and IPI in south Indian patients with follicular lymphoma. Annals of Oncology;2006;17(9S); P 211; Abst-703.
- Validity of an indigenously developed Quality Of Life (QOL) questionnaire in cancer patients of South India. Annals of Oncology;2006;17(9S);P279; Abst-964P.
- Irreversible sensorineural hearing loss due to Imatinib.Leukemia Research 2008;32(6):991-2.
- Acute toxoplasmosis in non stem cell transplant patients with haematological malignancies: a study from a Regional Cancer Institute in South India. Hematol Oncol 2008; 26: 229-233.
- Risk scoring for predicting mucositis in Indian patients with esophageal Carcinoma receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Gastrointestinal cancer research: GCR 2009;3(1):4-6.
- Trastuzumab Plus Anastrozole Versus Anastrozole Alone for the Treatment of Postmenopausal Women With Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2–Positive, Hormone Receptor–Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: Results From the Randomized Phase III TAnDEM Study JCO 2009.
Book Published
- Cancer – A lay man book.
- Breast Cancer Update.
- Biological Response Modifier.
- Newer Drugs in Management of Cancer.
- Chemotherapy and you – A book on patient care.
- Into the Painless edited book on a patient version to face Cancer and Death.
- Symposium on Bio-medical Research on Human Subjects (Clinical Trials) - Feb 2002.
- Karnataka Cancer Control Programme – a Model.
- Syllabus for WHO trainees in Oncology.
- Standard Operating Procedures for Scientific Review Board.
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