Dr Prof Venkatesh TK

Dr Prof Venkatesh TK
Dr Venkatesh has extensive cardiac experience. He has performed a large number of Angiograms through Femoral approach.
He has to his credit of performing many Angioplasties ( both Coronary and Peripheral) and also many temporary pacemaker Implantation's (VVI & DDIR pacemaker implantation's). His area of expertise includes both invasive and non- invasive procedures. He has vast experience in teaching students for MRCP and DNB
He has expertise in all areas of emergency medicine with all the emergency procedures and critical care medicine. He is in charge of the Emergency department, Pre-hospital care services, Air Ambulance services, Hospital Disaster Management plan at Apollo hospitals, Bangalore. He is a Coordinator for DEM (diploma in Emergency Medicine), DFM (Diploma in Family Medicine)courses at Apollo Hospitals Bangalore in collaboration with RCGP-UK since 2007. He is a Regional Coordinator for MCEM (Membership of College of Emergency Medicine – UK). He is also Coordinator for FICM (Fellowship in Intensive care medicine conducted by Medvarsity). He is now actively involved in the training of Basic Life Support(BLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS), Trauma Management and Disaster Management. He is heading and managing the emergency department for several years. He regularly organizes community medical camps and conducts awareness programs on Prehospital emergency care and community training in handling medical emergencies. Prior to joining Apollo Hospitals Bangalore, Dr Venkatesh was working with the Emergency Department at Apollo Health City at Hyderabad. He is the chief faculty and coordinator in First Aid training for Students, Corporate staff & Public. He regularly conducts awareness programs on emergency services, ambulance services and importance of golden hour to the public. Apart from his professional activities at his department, he is also actively involved in Quality circle initiatives like Healthcare six sigma and 5-S application in healthcare. He is part of the JCI team which regularly trains the hospital staff in quality.
Unique Contribution
- Attended a Workshop on Advanced Airway Management in Conference on the Multidisciplinary Approach to patient care at St. Johns Hospital, India in 2001.
- Attended BLS & ACLS (AHA) training at Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India on July 2002.
- Attended a Workshop on BTLS (Basic Trauma Life support) conducted by the University of Minnesota at St. Johns hospital in January 2003.
- Attended a Workshop on BLS & ACLS Instructor programme conducted by AHA at Hyderabad, India in 2003.
- Attended a Workshop on Basic Surgical Skill conducted by Plastic Surgery Foundation & Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India on February 2004.
- Attended NDPCH (National Disaster Preparedness course for Hospitals) conducted by Academy of Traumatology & British Council at Hyderabad, India on November 2005.
- Attended a workshop on Emergency Ultrasound conducted by Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, India on November 2006.
- Attended a workshop on PALS conducted by SRMC, Chennai, India on March 2008.
- Attended a workshop on FCCS (Fundamental Critical Care Support) by Society of Critical Care Medicine, the USA in January 2010.
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