Dr Usha Bohra

Dr Usha Bohra
Experience :
Education :
MBBS, MS (Obs & Gynaec), M.R.C.O.G. (UK), M.R.C.P.I. (Dublin), Dip. (Colp) Accredited Colposcopist (UK)
Specialization :
Obstetrician, Gynecologist
Department :
Hospital :
- Working as the Head of Department and Senior Consultant (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) at Apollo Ahmedabad for the past 13 years.
- Worked at some of the best hospitals in the world for Women’s Health including National Maternity Hospitals Dublin and Coombes’ Women’s’ Hospital Dublin.
- Worked as a clinical lecturer for the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland.
- With more than 25 years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology-
- Have delivered more than 100,000 babies both regular and high-risk pregnancies from 51 different countries.
- Performed more than 10,000 major Gynae Surgeries.
- Performed more than 10,000 minimally invasive surgeries (laparoscopic surgeries and hysteroscopic surgeries.
- Completed more than 5000 colposcopies for cancer prevention.
- One of the few consultants who work towards the prevention of diseases in women, mainly cancer, anaemia, Polycystic ovary disease and infertility.
Fellowships and Memberships
- Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists , London,UK.
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin
- Fellow in minimally invasive surgery in Royal Free Hospital, London, UK.
- Fellowship – High Risk Pregnancy a joint programme between Coombe Womens’ Hospital Dublin and University of Philadelphia, US.
- Member of Association of Gynae Oncology, India.
- Member of Association of Gynae Endoscopist ,India.
- Member of South Asian Cervical Cancer Vaccine Expert forum
- Member of federations of obstetricians and gynaecologists, India.
- Member of Indian associations of cervical pathologist and Colposcopist
- Faculty and National Trainer
- Has given a lot of presentations as a faculty member in National and International conferences on various aspects of Womens’ Health
- Has trained young gynecologists in workshops on colposcopy, obstetrics’ and gynaecology.
Awards and Achievements
- Granted FRCOG from UK in 2009.
- Gold Medal (Active management of labour) by Obs & Gynae society Dublin Nov 2007
- Chikista Ratan Award :- International study circle New Delhi Aug 2007
- Participated in three multi-centric International Drug trials while working in Ireland
- Godrej Saki No 1 Award :- Godrej and Jai Hind Press Ahmedabad Oct 2007
- Involved in free-surgical camps for the underprivileged women of the society
- Delivered more than 200 awareness talks on Women’s Health.
Unique Contribution
- Review article in International Journal of Gynaecology- Recent Advances in the Management of Ovarian Cancer,2012
- Prabha Singhal, Usha Bohra. The Role of Oxytocin in cases of previous Caesarean Section. Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1992 Vol. 55, Page 155-160.
- Usha Bohra, C. Regan, M.Geary, et al. Investigations for Intrauterine Death at Term:How helpful are they? (Abstract) Journal of Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology March, 2001, Vol 21, Suppl.1.
- Usha Bohra, J. Donnelly, M.Geary, K. MacQuillan and D. Keane.
- Active Management of Labour in the Year 2000: The first 1000 primiparas. (Abstract). Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology March, 2001,Vol 21, Supp.
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